All-State is the highest honor a Texas music student can receive. Texas Music Educators Association, or TMEA, is responsible for the auditions and concerts for Texas All-Region and Texas All-State Choirs. KISD competes in TMEA Region 30 Large School All-State Auditions. There are four audition levels in the All-State process. The final audition determines membership in the All-State Choirs.
For many of our students, the journey to All-State begins with attendance at one of the many summer camps offered in Texas. Camps fill up quickly, so please register early if interested. The first audition is in September, so early preparation is a must!
The All-State audition process begins in the fall throughout the state in each of the TMEA Regions. Students perform selected music for a panel of judges who rank each voice part. From this ranking, a select group of musicians advances from their Region to TMEA Area competitions and from there the highest-ranking qualify to perform during the annual TMEA Clinic/Convention in one of 18 Texas All-State ensembles, including four choirs: Mixed Choir, Treble Choir, Tenor-Bass Choir, Small School Mixed Choir.
Procedures for Auditioning for 2024-2025:
- Purchase your music and learn it. All-State music packets can be purchased through the KHS Choir Booster Club until June 2, 2023. *Most All-State summer camps offer music, so please check to see if it's included in your price.
- You can also purchase from JW Pepper or from Penders Music when music is released.
- Complete an All-State Audition Form and turn in your $20 registration fee at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.
- Make a note of all the audition dates listed below and list of songs for each All-State round.
- Sign up for All-State Remind: text (TBA) to 81010.
Information about Audition Material:
- Check the TMEA All-State page for information.
- Refer to the TMEA Audition Material for updates.
- See the All-State clinician/conductor Notes about the Vocal Recordings when it's available for additional notes.
- Click here for the Large School Choir Rep on YouTube.
Region 30 Audition Dates:
- September 21, 2024 - Round 1 (District) at Keller High School
- October 26, 2024 - Round 2 (Region) and 9/10 Honor Choir at Pascal High School
- November 14, 2024 Clinic & Concert
- November 21, 2024 - Round 3 (Pre-Area) at Fossil Ridge High School
- January 11, 2025 - Round 4 (Area) at UT Arlington