Madrigal Planning Meeting

October 18th 2023 in the Choir Room at 6:30pm

WE NEED YOU!  This is one of the Choirs biggest fundraisers and it is a very magical experience for all.  It is also a great way to meet new parents and get involved in the Choir Program! 

What is Madrigal you ask?
KHS Choir presents a Winter Renaissance Dinner and Gala!  There will be singing, storytelling, and laughter while students serve dinner to guests.  This is all followed by a festive concert performed by all KHS Choirs.

This meeting we will form committees and plan for: 

  • Kitchen
  • Costumes
  • Set Décor
  • Table Setup
  • Front of House Setup
  • Clean Up
  • Ticket Sales
  • And more!

We will identify other needs and ideas and plan out what items we will need to purchase or get donated! 

Have Questions?
Contact Sarah Noble & Ashley England at: